Ruffstuff's Ruffstuff or the "real" world of government, Law, Constitutions and justice
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Peoples' final Notice regarding case
Comes time to address further syndicated unlawful activity from the 6th Circuit on 01-04-06, and other harsh realities, which you apparently don't care about very much.

[The case is:
Southern District of Ohio
The People and their States of the United States of America
James Bonini, et al]

On or about January 6th of 2006 I received a Notice/letter from the 6th Circuit UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS via Michelle M. Davis (a supposed case 'manager'), which issued this statement (filed January 4, 2006):

"The district court revoked your pauper's status on 12/21/05. You must either pay the $225 filing fee to the district court in one lump sum or file a motion for pauper status in this court. You have until 1/23/06 to pay the fee or file an IPF motion."

Notice of pending Appeal dismissal

Per usual for this rather apparent corrupt court system:

this 6th Circuit court received it's Notice and Document in response to the unlawful activity in USDC on 01-03-06 (fax tracks):

"Executive, Office of The Circu","Executive, Office of The Circu","","+1 (513) 564-7210","Official Notice of and Response re:12-23-05 USDC ORDER","faxsent","","","13","13","0","Fine","okevent","513 564 7210","8 min 31 sec","14400","0","Off","06:33:10 PM","01/03/2006","","",""
to which the prior post was directed (which I note has failed to grasp much, if any, of your attention,.. what, to busy downloading music, or playing with your new "toys"?..).

Meaning the 6th Circuit had the response IN HAND and issued this letter/Notice.
The PDF, as sent to DOJ, President Bush, Vice-President, Solicitor General, and the Attorney General 01-03-06 or the html version - representative of the 6th Circuit and district court version.

In case you can't figure out what Laws were broken start with these:
18 USC 1505, 1506, 1512, 2383, 2384

So now you, the People of this nation, have a real choice. Probably your last one.
1. You can let these criminals continue with their activities, covering up their own corruption and the corrupted elections (apparently 2000 and 2004), by dismissing this matter.

2. Or one, or some, of you can supply this sum to the court directly, allowing them to issue their statements concerning your control of this nation (though I'm sure they have every intent to state they have the control) under Amendments 9 and 10.(don't send it to me, just let me know that you did at m_brahier(over at)

I have no intention of submitting a forma pauperis statement and motion to this rather apparently corrupt court, and I am not going to invest any further money on these issues FOR you, largely because they HAVE destroyed me financially over these last 14 years.

Moreover, I am relatively sure they will also, again, cover-up their own participation in this obstruction and apparent criminal activity in some way (probably by ignoring it, or dismissing it, or stating the lesser court was correct in the dismissal).
Remember, when criminals control the courts, there is no Law or justice, and you have ZERO freedoms or liberty, it's all one gigantic fraud.

Don't expect the Attorneys to come to your aid, most of them have their hand so deep in your pocket now, that they would not take it out if you demanded they do so. It is after all, how they make their living, defending and prosecuting you.

So get your thumbs out of your behinds, and actually think about what YOU want to do.

You have until the 23rd.of January of 2006 to get this $255.00 to THEM.

The address and telephone number is on the 6th Circuit letter or look it up. The district court address is Clerk of Court, 200 West 2nd Street Room 712, Dayton, Ohio 45402.

I will continue to the Supreme Court, on your behalf, if you wish, or to put it bluntly, you can all kiss your freedoms in this nation good by forever.
[If you do decide to Appeal, get YOUR briefs and materials ready]..
(Also be prepared to take this to the Supreme Court.)

In fact, it may be time to take these issues to the World Courts, where these people could be prosecuted for the War criminals they apparently are.....

Or you can continue to spout on your blogs, join your "organizations", rant on news groups and forums, and complain that you find yourselves in abject poverty, have your land or business seized by government for some developer/financier, arrested for speaking out against government, investigated for talking to a friend overseas, and all the other that they have in mind for you in the not so distant future.,,

Or is it that you think that isn't going to happen?


Okay, put those thumbs in your mouth, because you ARE going to be muzzled, and you might as well get used to the taste.

Did you fail to note the number of supposed News Services to which these activities had been directed? They received the submissions AT THE SAME TIME as the courts, DOJ and others.
And how apparently NONE of them have made comment, or directed Americans to this unlawful, unconstitutional, and apparent criminal activity?

Did you fail to grasp that the anchors of many these supposed TV News Services ARE members or former members of the BAR, the judicial system. And that they are directing you to things THEY want addressed.

Yes there is massive corruption in government, but judiciary corruption can be far more directly damaging. Clean the corruption from congress and the executive branches, and you still have a corrupt government. Moreover, you have a government completely controlled by the judicial branch. (You people might want to check to see if the ones being prosecuted were NOT part of the BAR/judiciary, i.e. their not prosecuting their own. I haven't, but it is a real possibility)

Have you failed to notice that there is a tremendous push to get Alito on the bench by George and crew...(nice to have him and George's other man on the bench if this makes it to the court, wouldn't it)

Have you failed to notice the Department of Justice and the US ATTORNEYS OFFICE have also failed to provide their duties to you? Remember they received ALL the submissions, AS THEY WERE SENT TO THE COURT.. don't see them arresting all these conspirators in Ohio and the 6th Circuit, do you?..[Ohio's governor is the great grandson of a former president AND Supreme Court justice, think that might have an effect.]

Have you failed to realize that the economy is being touted as "strong and growing" while the national debt grows so rapidly and so large, that it can NEVER be repaid? Particularly if the rich don't pay the taxes they should.

Think the debt can be paid, with what?? The only thing America can supply to the financiers is it's military.[Gee wonder what that means]

That your being directed to invest in markets where hundreds of American companies are going bankrupt.... while these "major investors" demand more and more "profit",, meaning you, the regular people of America and small investors, will get less money, less benefits, less medical, and less of a life...while everyone of you who do invest, increase the value of THEIR stocks..

Have you failed to notice that the American military is being used to misdirect the American people and the people of the world from the apparent fact that Iraq oil is being essentially stolen from the Iraqi people? (see:

And that trillions of dollars are being directed somewhere OTHER THAN Iraq... while George and crew wave the flag, beat the drums, and expound upon the NEED for the Patriot Act.... and that America is WINNING the War...(pull the heart strings, support the troops, don't question WHY they and the Iraqi people are dying,, don't question the MOTIVE for the War,, and don't think about what will happen when the Iraqi people find out about this theft.)
[4 years at $40.00 a barrel times 1.2 billion barrels a day = $70 trillion dollars worth of oil, or at present $80.00 per barrel $140 trillion, strange how the Iraqi currency trades for almost two thousand per one US dollar ,when the world needs this oil so bad...(duh)](told you my math skills were bad, drop a few 00s and it throws everything off, modify that previuos post accordingly) Meanwhile, more and more nations on this planet align themselves AGAINST America.

Or did you fail to grasp WHY $457 billion was given to the military in addition to the $120 or so billion they were given under "emergency". ah,.duh.

In closing, if all this fraud, lies, death of Americans and others, conspiracies, corruption, and other, is fine with you, then I have wasted 14 years of my life researching the briefings, submitting these cases, and, in particular, on you, the American people..

You deserve everything these conspirators have in store for you and this world. Maybe I'll just write my books and become one of them.

So this is YOUR CHOICE, do something or suffer..Don't come whining to me anymore, if you choose not to do something now...

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