Ruffstuff's Ruffstuff or the "real" world of government, Law, Constitutions and justice
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
USDC dismisses Peoples case demanding Grand Jury to review syndicate racketeering and other cimes in 6th Circuit
 On 04-27-05 USDC judge Walter H. Rice dismissed 3:04-mc-20 in southern Ohio, adopting all of the recommendations of Sharon Ovington (magistrate).

 This was the case to review apparent criminal acts in Ohio, Kentucky, and the federal judicial system in the 6th Circuit. This also addressed the 2000 and 2004 elections, and apparent problems associated therewith.
 Not uniquely, the judge claimed no objections were filed, yet the court refused to file the objections, under Order of Ovington. Both Ovington and Rice were kisted defendants in the case... meaning the judge sat on a case, and judged matters in which he was a named defendant. DUH, whatever could be wrong with that???

 Also not unique for todays supposed judicial system, as members of the 6th Circuit were also named defendants, the matter of appeal rests in the same appellate court, before the same judges also named in the complaint.
 Therefore, this is another cover-up by lifetime judges to ensure they remain in their positions, and remain unprosecuted for their unlawful activities.
 Most of these magistrates and judges were placed by republican administrations... and we see a supposed resistance to appointments now in the Senate.. and whining by republicans for the hold up... as they "hold-up" America for all it has to offer.
See the website listed for details, and copy of Orders.....

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