Ruffstuff's Ruffstuff or the "real" world of government, Law, Constitutions and justice
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Main Blog Ruffstuff's Ruffstuff
What the world does not want to hear, but must understand or learn, regardless.

Who am I?
I am your Peoples' counsel. A position long lost in this nation now run by attorneys, lawyers, corporations, and governmental "officials" who seem bent on their own designs.

Here the Peoples' cases will be posted, which are being held in various courts.

Ruffstuff's Ruffstuff Web Page


I will be submitting our case to the Supreme Court within the next 2 months.
The case revolves around Amendments 9 and 10 [Peoples’ authority] and our [the Peoples} ability to prosecute individuals for complicity, fraud, collusion, conspiracy, and other activities when the government does not provide it obligations, duties, and responsibilities. See the web site above for details, evidence, briefings, cases, and other.


Additionally, I will be submitting comment on other world or national events, such as:

12/22/04 submission to CNN, NYTimes, and other News services.

Once again I feel compelled to advise you of something important.
On your cable station today (December 22, 2004) you addressed the "yellow ribbon" magnets being used in our nation. This not the first time your agency and other "news" agencies have addressed this. Perhaps a little history is in order.

The basis for the design stems from the "Christian symbolism for Christ".
If you turn the "ribbon" sideways you will note the "fish" (fisherman of man, fish to bread/bread to fish, etc) aspect. These "ribbons" find their history, from the apparent fact, that the originators had created hundreds of thousands of the "Christ symbolism" magnets, stickers, etc. and could not "get rid of them", or perhaps, sell them fast enough. Moreover, the Christian groups, who are always looking for ways to extend their "religious beliefs" to others, keyed upon this symbolism for a very specific purpose.

If you are "old enough" or do your research, you will find something called "subliminal seduction". This is the use of symbols, or hidden symbols, or flashes of individual "frames" which were (or perhaps still are) used in advertisments, TV programs and commercials, training films (military, and elsewhere), and other areas, which work at the sub-concious level. The eyes and mind may not recognize the inclusion of these "seductions", however, the sub-concious does. Constant subjection to the subliminal materials, causes a change in the concious thought patterns which humans have. Though some are resistant, most are not.

How effective are these "seductions"? They are so successful that they are used "against terrorists", to create "terrorists", against and to create "spys", to create "military personel", against supposed "criminals" (subject someone to their supposed guilt long enough and they may begin to believe they are, particularly if they are not overly intelligent), and again, elsewhere (check the "sciences", used by the CIA and others).

In fact, if you consider the "consumerism" aspect, you can definately see the value of the seductive force of "advertisments".

You, as an international news agency, also can be used (or perhaps more accurately, are being used) for the same purpose. Constantly subjecting your viewers to the same materials, or supposed "different sides" of the same materials, cause your viewers to "accept" these materials as "fact" rather than your (and others) suppositions based upon possibly unfinished and or faulty research or evidence.

Now, compare this "ribbon seduction" to the rise in supposed "Christian morality", "fanned to a blaze" in this nation for the recent elections, "gay rights", etc., and these issues take on a "new light".
I would bet that "Christians" and these "evangelicals" actually thought they had become more "moral" on their own; not a fact based upon the information available, if one opens ones mind to the reality of the world in which we live. The religions have always saught the support from the "masses" subjected to them. They have also studied this "seduction" and definately know its worth.

01/11/05 Submission to CNN, NYTimes, and other News Services regarding materials submitted to courts.

Here is the pdf of the newest submission to DCUSA and SCUSA. Note specifically the fax tracks, document tracks, and Notice sent.

Beyond that, it becomes necessary to request verification that these documents, which have been sent to you, are actually review, by others, who are NOT your corporate attorneys, or individuals whom are supposed "law school" graduates.

The address from whence this came [xxxxxxxx] was specifically created in my name, just for this access purpose.

Were it not for this activity, I would be using the same "game name" I have used for years (since "93"), and which has evolved into a "story book" caricature, which I continue to write. I have NOT removed it this time. I am not your supposed "beast".

Though you are corporate in nature, that does NOT relieve you from possible false presentation as being "NEWS SERVICES", if that is not what you are functioning as.

In that "light", the question for you to ask yourselves, particularly after this CBS "scandal", is whether they and this federal "administration" have caused you to fear them. I appreciate the apparent attempts directed at the reporters, journalist, and news programs, in attempt to muzzle you.

You hold in the files sent to you, particularly after this pdf, evidence of organized criminal activities, which extend throughout the supposed governments in this nation (USA) and have severely effected the outcome of at least two elections (13 years of cases available). Is it, that you fear the "judiciary" or this new "Republican Party"?

You have available to you, the exact dates, and number of times Mr. Bush was in Ohio.
Would the People of this nation, who "voted" for the Republican "agenda", have voted in the same fashion had they known of this apparent organized criminal activity in two "Republican" controlled states?

I remind you though; neither of the two "political parties" in America is without blame.

Now, ask yourselves, who do you serve in your profession, what is the nature of this supposed "news" which you purport to present? Is it "sensationalism", "directed commentaries", or is it supposedly News? When you decided to become a journalist, was it because of the money, or because of your desire to provide a function to your fellow man? Was that merely idealism? Alternatively, was that your "calling"; your "purpose"; was it "exciting"?

IMHO - IMCO 8-#>

This may be difficult for you and other Americans to accept or understand.
I emphatically state:
I am NOT supporting "terrorism" or those who do these things ANYWHERE. Moreover, I am NOT attempting to incite revolt or terroristic activities. Merely to institute different thought processes.

Think seriously about this nations' supposed foreign "terrorist attacks" that have occurred. Although these "terrorists" have and have had access to biological and other weapons, they were not used. In the 9-11 "attack", a "tactical strike" designed specifically to limit "innocent collateral damage", was effected. We think of the horrific use of planes filled with innocent people, hitting buildings in which other innocent people were working. Yet, in this nation's wars and police actions; hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people have been killed as "collateral damage". "War" excuses nothing. These were the only "cruise missiles" available to them, to limit collateral damage.

In [just] Afghanistan and Iraq, how many thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocents were, or, are being, killed?
In Afghanistan, we will never know, those caves which were deliberately collapsed, were "ancient" "community shelters" to escape into. For thousands of years, they have been for that purpose. The world will never know how many innocents extinguished by their collapse. Those "daisy cutter bombs" preclude any digging to find out, yet we do have access to circumstantial evidence.
Entire villages may now have only a few "survivors"; or, are now inhabited by others. Most cities, villages, and towns, were "bombed into the Stone Age". Not only displacing what few people were left, but also destroying the "ancient culture" and sense of "ancient historic validity' of those people, removing their "self worth", their heritage. Destroy this, and you create something new, something without its anchor, its "value"; their "reasoning". Place an ember burning in the "soul", and forever fear what future actions may fan that to a blaze.

We, as Americans, must understand this: other nations young have come to this country as students. Not just to study in our schools, but to study America, and Americans. They believe, based upon their studies, that Americans ARE "ignorant", incapable of "sound reasoning". We have shown them that, repeatedly.
Following that reasoning: have avoided attacking the general population, believing, or knowing, it is those in world finance, world dominating corporations, and government that are the apparent problem. How long they will continue to avoid this is unknown (shortly), the people of America {and others in this world} will determine that by their conscious actions.
With all the air travel, satellites, Internet, missiles, cell phones, etceteras, this planet has become an EXTREMELY small planet. May we continue to ignore, even remotely, our "neighbors", those who share this planet with us? May we ignore the planet on which we live?
When future historians (if they get that chance) review this "barbaric" era of history, this age when man was still indiscriminately killing himself and his planet, they will be appalled at these occurrences. Those living in this period write present history, future history will be written in retrospect. Divorce oneself from today's effect, and reality smacks one in the face.

Flesch reading ease 52.6
Flesch-Kincaid grade 9.8

01/17/05 CBS News, CNN, NYTimes, and other News Services concerning CBS evidence of President Bush NOT appearing for service, and blogs which supposedly exposed the material was NOT authentic.

Copy of email sent 01-17-05, originally to CBS News, forwarded to other News Services such as CNN, NYTimes

Subject: why documents do not appear to be the same as originals
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:41:11 -0500

Hash: SHA1

In this recent supposed investigation done concerning materials which you had presented as evidence concerning Mr. Bush's service in the National Guard you have failed to understand or properly consider what probably occurred.

Having handled court documents, and other materials for over 13 years for courts use, I can forward an idea which you may have misunderstood concerning those materials.

In all likelihood, those materials were run through an OCR (optical character recognition) program. Those programs try to change document font and format to whatever is the default for the computer or program. What may have been in typewriter format, is change to the default font and format, which make it appear to be computer generated. That is done even IF you tell the program to retain font
and format, or "frames". Repository Libraries are aware of this problem as well, hence they try to use exact scanned "pictures" to microfiche.
I have repeatedly run across this problem, when trying to create copies or duplicates of materials for court use. It is such a problem, I have stopped trying to OCR anything, and save it as a "picture" of the document with some "paint" or "publishing" program so it reflects the original exactly. However, many items used or "saved" in libraries, government offices and elsewhere, have been
OCRed, which defeats their use as "legal" reference materials.
Particularly as these programs automatically "spell check" the documents removing misspellings, and exact font and format, unless supported.
Even the courts are aware of this problem. PDF format is now used in the CM/ECF system. Used in attempt to ensure "exact originals" are entered into the records. One must be careful of this as well, for pdf "conversion" programs also try to convert to supported fonts and formats, if they can. If you wish verification, read the documentation / web material concerning CM/ECF and PDF creation /conversion.

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use


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